Friday 22 June 2012


According to the Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, pre-Islamic Kedah was once ruled by Raja Ong Maha Perita Deria who started to crave for human blood when his cook had accidentally cut his finger while rushing to prepare his dinner. The cook’s blood was accidentally mixed in the dish.

The monarch, who was incidentally said to be the 5th King of Kedah, found the “tainted” meal to be exceptionally tasteful and decided to find out more about the additional savoury ingredient. After a lengthy interrogation, it was said that the terrified palace courtier finally revealed his mistake. Instead of showing his displeasure, the King then commanded that from that day onwards, his meals would have human blood as the main ingredient.

Soon his lust for blood intensified and before long, the people, fearing for their own lives, rebelled by storming his palace located at the foothills of Gunung Jerai, Kedah’s highest peak and drove him away.

The King, who by then had developed fangs, was said to have fled to an island in the middle of the Merbok River known as Pulau Tiga. He sought refuge there while trying to elude his pursuers. Today, the people refer to this vampire-like King as “Raja Bersiong” or King with Fangs.